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Content Marketing Trends of 2019

Written by Jessica Keefe | Jan 3, 2019 5:00:00 AM
First and foremost, happy New Year! And with the New Year comes new content marketing trends. There’s nothing like a new year resolution that can boost your marketing strategy.  There are new tools and new strategies that are going to make 2019 a game-changing year. Still don’t believe in content marketing? This time last year, it was  estimated that the content marketing industry would be worth more than $400 billion by 2021.  

Content Marketing Is the New Black

While content marketing is a new technique. It is here to stay. Content marketing is marketing. In the past, content creation has been side projects to traditional marketing projects and responsibilities. Successful brands know that with the era of the digital age, content marketing opens up the opportunity for two-way conversations and relationships with audiences. Writer for Forbes, John Hall remarks, “ Content marketing is marketing, and the brands that understand content is core to effective marketing — and, ultimately, to their entire business — will set themselves up for success.”  

Content Marketing Is Individualized

In 2018, content marketing started to play around with personalization, individualized content will be a top content marketing trend of 2019. Your content isn’t going to help every business goal, you are going to need to put time and effort into creating different variations of content for different marketing campaigns. No two strategies are going to be the same. Sure, you will be able to adapt and reuse old content, but you need to make sure it’s different enough and with distinct messaging.  And with individualized content demanding more time and attention, you need to come up with a content strategy. According to Content Marketing Institute,  65 percent of the most successful content marketers have a documented strategy.  

Content Marketing Is Customer Success

What I mean by this is that content marketing isn’t restricted to just marketing departments. It also pertains to sales, finance, and customer success teams. Hall writes “Content shows buyers optimal uses for companies’ products and services, encouraging customers to see the good more than the bad. With a content strategy focused on customer success, businesses can devote fewer resources to putting out fires and more resources to growing their brands.” In this new wave of personalization, customer success teams are pertinent for customers to earn the maximum value from their purchases and encourage word-of-mouth influencing, one of the top marketing strategies.