Fastr Blog

Low Budget Videos, High-Quality Marketing

Written by Jessica Keefe | Dec 17, 2018 5:00:00 AM
Yes, we know the struggle is real. And we also know that your budget isn’t unlimited. When it comes to sacrificing resources having a low budget for your video marketing isn’t a bad thing. You may be asking how low budget videos are acceptable when video marketing was the most effective tool in 2018. Glad you asked… Here are some tips to make your low budget videos, high-quality marketing.  

Need A Video Camera? Turn to Your Phone

Yeah right. Who is going to use their phone to film a corporate video campaign? Take a page from Kris Jenner herself. Smartphones are consistently increasing the complexity of their camera quality. And the newest video marketing technique is selfie recordings meant to look like customer reviews. According to a study done by Hootsuite, over 100 million people in the U.S. and 200 million people worldwide use Snapchat and watch over 10 billion videos daily. The Search Agency writer, Kareem Cervantes “Trending in social media today is the self-recorded video, made popular by video messaging app Snapchat. Users take on an evolved form of the picture selfie and  record short videos that they send to their friends on the app. These short videos can disappear as quickly as they are viewed by the recipient, can play on repeat until the recipient closes them or can play in loop along with other videos taken within a twenty-four-hour period.” Drawing on user-generated-like content and smartphone recording can actually resonate better with your following rather than an expensive production. Transparency and personalization are key when it comes to low budget videos. Making video experiences personal can elevate your engagement rate leading viewers closer to your call to action.  

Stick to The Script

While it may be fun to start recording without a script you don’t want your low budget video to look bad. So even outlining a script of points you want to discuss in your video will go a long way. This being said, feel free to go off script and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. In fact, making mistakes humanizes you. People like watching other people and that includes your flaws!    

Edit, Edit, Edit

Don’t have a background in media and video production? It’s OK neither do we but that doesn’t stop us from creating cool content. But the best recommendation we can give you is to utilize iMovie. The only downside is that you need to have an Apple Mac. They are made to be user-friendly with all the necessary applications to render your film.   If you feel overwhelmed with the application, turn to YouTube for hours of tutorials. You will be a video editor in no time. Plus, it's free!