Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website's visibility in search results

What is SEO? 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website's visibility in search engine ranking by optimizing various aspects such as content, keywords, and technical performance. The goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic from search engines like Google, making the site more discoverable to users searching for relevant information. 



Why SEO is Important for Ecommerce Brands?


  • Increased Visibility: Optimized product pages (including product listing pages and product detail pages), landing pages, and content all help ecommerce sites rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find their site. 


  • Higher Conversion Rates: By targeting relevant keywords and improving user experience, SEO can drive more (and more qualified) traffic to an ecommerce site, leading to better conversion rates. Of course, the more people that can find your ecommerce site, the more people will see – and buy – your products!


  • Competitive Advantage: A well-optimized ecommerce site can outperform competitors in search engine rankings, capturing more market share and driving more sales. Consider this: Are you more likely to visit a site on page 1 of your Google search or page 3?


Improving Ecommerce SEO: 3 of Many Factors


  • Keyword Optimization: Using relevant and high-traffic keywords in product titles, descriptions, and meta tags helps search engines understand and rank your product pages higher.  


  • Technical SEO: Site speed, device optimization, and crawlability all improve the overall user experience and ensure search engines can efficiently index the website. 
  • ADA Compliance: Ensuring your website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, enhances user experience and aligns with SEO best practices, contributing to improved rankings through better site structure and broader audience reach.


These metrics are important because they directly impact user experience as well as SEO rankings – both of which, if optimized, will drive traffic, engagement, and conversion rates



See also:


[VLOG] Get Up-to-Speed on Ecommerce Site Speed & Performance


[VLOG] How to Accelerate your Site's Accessibility Adherence