7 Fast and Furious Ways to Rev-up Automotive Customer Conversions

Jessica is an integrated marketing leader specializing in strategic B2B and B2C enterprise solutions.
According to Forbes Communication Council, ecommerce trends show that by 2020, 40% of the automotive industry will consist of millennials. With their consuming power gaining more influence, they will soon be the majority of car buyers. Coupled with the recent digital boom, shopcreator.com predicts that online expenditure in the automotive sector is on track to triple by 2022. These statistics are converting more brick and mortar automotive companies to enhance their online presence. Yet, finding a balance between physical and digital presences is pertinent since customers are 30% less trusting online than at brick and mortar stores. To help optimize these customer conversions, we offer seven ways to accelerate conversions in the automotive ecommerce industry.
Many digital marketers are willing to go the extra mile to convert visitors into buyers in the ecommerce world. Making certain you stand out from your competitors and personalizing your brand are sure ways to finish first.
- Update Website Design

- Increase customer trust

- Conduct A/B testing

- Utilize Analytic Software

- Promote your value proposition

- Simplify how to buy

- Add incentives and promotions to purchase now