The W.O.A.T. - Minor Problems That Can Hurt Your Business

Jessica is an integrated marketing leader specializing in strategic B2B and B2C enterprise solutions.
WOAT = Worst Of All Time You would be surprised how often site issues occur. Have you ever constructed an elaborate “Get to Know Me” infographic and all the pictures have poor quality and all your witty puns are haphazardly delivered? Anyone? No? Just me? Alas. Well, if you’re fortunate enough to have amazing luck, problems happen on a daily occurrence. But how you handle and overcome minor problems, is what molds a company’s drive and performance.
Being able to detect and fix this site speed is simpler than you would think. I'm sure you all know that Google offers
Google PageSpeed Insights to check the status of your site. The best part is that its free! Insights will offer you several recommendations to increase your site delivery. Also using CDN or changing to a faster web hosting company are ways to give your site a boost.
Its ok to have off days but for your business to be successful, you need to bring your “A” game all the time. Spelling mistakes, typos, and poor product descriptions are all signs of a rushed site. Bringing in a pair of fresh eyes may be the help you need. Having another employee peer-edit and offer various suggestions can expand your creative content options. Try having brainstorming meetings to get the creative ideas flowing. Being able to bounce and build off of coworkers’ ideas creates an open dialogue about what can creatively work.
At the end of the day, you don’t need to invest in expensive platforms to deal with troubleshooting. Sometimes reaching out to a coworker who has greater knowledge in a different area can be the simple solution. Utilizing free or trial periods of specific products is also a good way to deal with quick issues. All in all, taking a step back, looking at various ways to attack the problem, and creating a solution with your colleagues will help you manage to troubleshoot better. Fist Bump*
Turtle-like Site Speed
From minor to major types of minor problems, every concern can cause a disruption in furthering your business. Slow site speed may be the biggest pain considering this day and age customers and business associates alike expect lightspeed delivery. As a customer viewing a slow site it can feel like it takes years for a page to completely render.
Your Worst (online) GPS Experience Coming True
When it comes to site navigation, simplicity is key. As first-time users visit your website, you need to make the customer journey and corresponding, buyer’s experience as simple as possible. Typically, online shoppers are accustomed to standard website conventions like the placement of navigations links and the shopping cart icon in one of the upper corners. Trying to be different or unique can backfire if your navigation links become too complicated. When H&M relaunched their website, they forgot a search bar which troubled many loyal customers. Provide sharp modes for customers to search and refine results by including filters on text preferences, various sub-categories, and simplified “adding to cart” techniques.Uninspiring Content
In the wise words of Hannah Montana, everyone has those days. Sometimes you are going to deliver content and copy that isn’t you’re most creative work.
Lost Confidence
Online customers constantly build shopping carts but leave the products to further decide if they can find similar products. If they find your site shady, customers will abandon your products altogether. Ensure confidence in your customers. Try cart capturing your audience by implementing a login system that ensures cart items are saved for as long as possible. Prospects are generally relieved when the content of their shopping bags are saved when they come back to your site. From a customer standpoint, the great thing about user accounts is that it lets you retain cart content across various devices. So even if a customer stops shopping on their computer, they can pick up where they left off on their phone as they ride the subway to work.Sketchy Customer Service
If you wonder why your customer loyalty and customer outreach is diminishing, it may be because your customer service strategy is somewhat questionable. If customers can’t legitimize your company on their own, they are going to have a harder time deciding to purchase your products. Buying online is all about trust especially for new customers. They want to know that verified help is there when or if they ever need it. The best fix is to make contact easy. Make sure you provide as many options with clear detail on every site page. Live chat is also excellent to solve customer concerns efficiently.