Zero-Party Data

Zero-party data is information that a shopper voluntarily shares with a brand

What is Zero-Party Data?


Zero-party data is a term coined by Forrester Research that refers to data that customers intentionally and proactively share with a company. It is data that the customer voluntarily provides, often in exchange for a more personalized experience or tailored services. This can include preferences, purchase intentions, personal context, and how the individual wants to be recognized by the brand.

This kind of data is not only highly valuable for ecommerce brands as it is information coming right from the source, but its collection has become signifcantly more important as third-party cookies are phased out. 


Characteristics of Zero-Party Data:

  • Voluntary: The data is explicitly shared by the customer, rather than inferred or collected indirectly.
  • Proactive: Customers provide this data with the understanding that it will be used to improve their experience.
  • Personalized: The data often includes personal preferences, interests, and intentions, which are highly valuable for personalization.
  • Permission-based: Customers give explicit consent for the use of their data.


Applications in E-commerce:


  • Personalization: Zero-party data enables more precise and effective personalization of marketing messages, product recommendations, and user experiences because the data is directly relevant and accurate.


  • Customer Engagement: By asking for and utilizing zero-party data, companies can increase customer engagement and loyalty as customers feel their preferences and needs are being understood and met.


  • Compliance: Zero-party data collection aligns well with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, as it is based on explicit consent and transparency.


  • Marketing Efficiency: With zero-party data, companies can reduce reliance on third-party data, improving marketing efficiency and effectiveness as they have direct insights into customer preferences and intentions.

Examples of how Zero-Party Data can be acquired:

  • Surveys or quizzes where customers provide their preferences.
  • Sign-up forms that ask for specific interests or needs.
  • Preference centers where customers can update their data.
  • Feedback forms where customers share their opinions or future purchase intentions.


See also: