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Kill the Code Freeze: It's Numbing Your Ecommerce Revenue Opportunities

September 20th, 2024 | 8 min. read

Kill the Code Freeze: It's Numbing Your Ecommerce Revenue Opportunities Blog Feature

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In the lightning-fast world of ecommerce, where trends change faster than a TikTok challenge, speed and flexibility aren't just buzzwords – they're survival skills. Yet, many ecommerce teams are still trapped in the digital equivalent of the Stone Age, shackled by slow, developer-dependent processes when it comes to updating their sites.


If you're looking for the poster child of these outdated practices, look no further than the infamous code freeze. It's the ecommerce equivalent of telling your star player to sit out the championship game – a perfect example of how antiquated processes can leave you benched and your team frustrated while your competitors score.


The Old Way: Developer Bottlenecks + Code Freezes = A Recipe for Mediocrity 


Picture this: It's the eve of Black Friday, and your marketing team has a brilliant idea that could make cash registers (or shopping carts) sing. But wait! There's a code freeze in effect. Your developers, bless their caffeinated hearts, have battened down the hatches to prevent any technical hiccups during high-traffic times.


The result? Your site is on lockdown. Your strategy and ideas get put on ice. Your optimization and conversion potential are set in stone. Your marketers – the ones behind your brand's innovative, sales-driving shopping experiences – are hogtied.


This antiquated approach is like telling Usain Bolt to run a marathon in flip-flops or expecting Gordon Ramsey to win a cooking competition with only a microwave – it's not just inefficient; it's downright painful to watch.  


The Modern Way: Marketers & Merchandisers = Frontend Rockstars


Enter the 21st century solution: Put the power in the hands of the people who know your customers better than they know their own Instagram feeds. By giving marketers and merchandisers control over the frontend, you're essentially handing them a digital Swiss Army knife. They can tweak, test, and transform the customer experience faster than you can say "add to cart."


Imagine a world where your marketing team can pivot faster than a politician during election season. No passing requests through the development bottleneck, no saying "Oh well, we'll get the shoppers' votes next time". Instead, they can update product details, adjust homepage banners, or launch of-the-moment content with a level of speed that can drum up engagement, win customers, and drive results immediately. 


These capabilities during a peak sales period – instead of a site-wide code freeze? That's ecommerce rock-stardom.  


Best Practice: Real-Time Testing (Because Guessing is So Last Season) 


With marketers at the helm, real-time A/B testing becomes less of a pipe dream and more of a daily ritual. It's like having a crystal ball, but instead of vague prophecies or last season's analytics, you get cold, hard, and current data. Test different layouts, product placements, or promotional strategies on the fly. It's like playing chess, but every move rolls out a pristine red carpet for your customers' journey – and potentially adds zeros to your revenue.


Real-time testing means capturing fleeting micro-moments becomes a reality. You know, those times when a product suddenly goes viral because a celebrity wore it on what was supposed to be an incognito date? Yes, those moments. With ongoing, non-stop optimization, you can capitalize on these – and all – opportunities. And with marketers and merchandisers in the design and deploy driver's seat, you can do so without developer handoffs, holdups, or headaches.


Can't do any of this with the "set it and forget it" approach forced upon you by a code freeze, can you?


Frontend Game-Changer: AI & Backend Automation 


Now, before you start worrying about your poor, neglected developers, fear not! They're not being put out to pasture. Instead, they're being upgraded to the role of digital architects, focusing on the big-picture stuff that keeps your site running smoother than a freshly waxed bobsled track.


Thanks to the magic of frontend software and AI, coding and backend updates can be automated. It's like having a team of invisible elves working tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring everything in the background – from bug fixes to performance optimizations – can run like clockwork.


And speaking of busy elves and clockwork, this modernized operation means your marketers, merchandisers, creatives, developers, and your tech are all productively contributing to the success of the business – even during its most critical (and not-code-frozen) sales periods. 


In Action: What a Marketer-Led Frontend Looks Like (Spoiler: It's Marvellous)


You already have the mental image of your cross-departmental teams all in elf costumes and crushing the productivity game, so let's look more closely. You see, when marketers and merchandisers take the wheel, your ecommerce site becomes a lean, mean, conversion machine. They can continue to compose digital experiences and push updates live faster than you can say "impulse buy," reacting to market trends quicker than a cat video goes viral.


Personalization at scale becomes the norm, not the exception. Your site can adapt to individual customer segments like a chameleon on a disco floor, driving engagement and conversions through the roof.


So, what exactly do these marketer-controlled frontend experiences look like in real life?


Customer Example Showcase

Explore examples from different brands and for different frontend facets and functions – all built without dev handoffs. 


Feast your eyes on a plethora of examples (like gift guides or quizzes) from our customers. All of these digital masterpieces were designed and deployed without a single developer breaking a sweat.


Already a Fastr Frontend user? Check out our Inspiration Gallery and give our Support Team a shout to have any of these experience blueprints added to your account. 


Making the Shift: How to Give Marketers & Merchandisers Frontend Superpowers 


Transitioning to a marketer-owned frontend isn't about waving a magic wand. It's about equipping your team with no-code or low-code solutions that turn them into frontend wizards – generating and managing the shopping experience – without needing to learn the dark arts of coding.


The key is finding platforms that play nicely with your existing backend systems including inventory management, CMS, pricing engines, and customer data platforms. If you're thinking "Uh, you mean replatforming?", no way – think again...


We're talking about powerful frontend software that gives you more magic plus integrates seamlessly with your existing tech stack, removing data siloes and allowing you to better leverage the tools you already have. Think of it as creating a harmonious digital ecosystem where all your tech is singing Kumbaya around a virtual campfire.


Now's the Time: Get Warmed Up & Ready to Break Free from the Freeze


The era of developer bottlenecks and code freezes is as outdated as dial-up internet. It's time to defrost your ecommerce strategy and let your marketers and merchandisers shine. With the right tools and mindset, you can turn your ecommerce site into a revenue-generating powerhouse and arm your teams with more flexibility than a yoga instructor.


So, are you ready to break free from the freeze and step into the warm, cozy future of marketer-led frontends? Your competitors might not thank you, but your bottom line certainly will.


See for yourself what complete frontend control could do for your ecommerce game. Sign up for a free (no cost, no catch) trial of Fastr Frontend.